Our First Fundraiser!
First things first: we were BLOWN away by the amount of our support from our first fundraising effort. Thank you to each and every one of you for donating to the online raffle, donating to the scholarship directly on our website, and being there in person at our event. We are so humbled by all of the love, and we know that Julia is beaming with pride.
Because of your support we were able to raise a total of $6,613 with this first fundraiser! When combined with all of the generous donations that we’ve received directly to the site, we have surpassed our first fundraising goal of $25,000! This will allow us to start collecting applications for the I Keep Dancing scholarship (!), and we will be updating this site with more info about that soon. None of this would be possible without the support of this amazing community, and we’d like to send a big hug to each and every one of you:
Last week we were so grateful to hold our first official I Keep Dancing fundraising event, graciously coordinated by Sarah’s NYU Sorority Alpha Pi Zeta, and held at SideBar in NYC. Sarah was initially going to be the only one able to attend in person, but — as with so many things this year — everything happened to align in the right way, and Katie, Molly, Stephie, Julia’s best friend Ed (The Raffle Rock Star!!), Sarah & Julia’s friend Sheila, and Julia’s mom Carol were all able to fly out for it!!
Sarah with co-hosts, Tara, Jenny, and Madison
The amazing Ed with Carol, Julia's mom
The turnout was even greater than we expected, and we had such an incredibletime seeing old friends and meeting new ones. It made us excited to host more in-person events, so stay tuned!
Drawing the raffle prizes!
Lovely Raffle winner with her Aran Rose Designs tote!
A HUGE thank you to our sponsors who donated such generous gifts!!
BCBG MAXAZRIA, Zeel, GlamSquad, Tart Collections, Dermesse Skin Care, Aran Rose Designs, John Russo, DSW, S.W Basics, Deb Oh and the Cavaliers, Chamber Band ,The Jacob Krueger Studio
And last but not least, we love you NEW YORK!!